We are incredibly excited about our Ten Weeks of Wellness! The interns are looking forward to participating as well, and we are all ready to answer your questions and support you along the way. We will be accepting a limited number of participants for this activity, so sign up at the front desk as soon as possible!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Ten Weeks to Wellness! - Your Introduction
We are incredibly excited about our Ten Weeks of Wellness! The interns are looking forward to participating as well, and we are all ready to answer your questions and support you along the way. We will be accepting a limited number of participants for this activity, so sign up at the front desk as soon as possible!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Food Sensitivity vs. Food Allergies
What is a food sensitivity?
A food sensitivity is actually a broad term that encompasses both food allergies AND food intolerances. This means that someone can not be allergic to a food but still be sensitive to it. Intolerance does NOT trigger an immune response, meaning it is not detected during traditional food allergy testing. An allergic response is triggered by a protein, while an intolerance results from some other incompatibility between a food and an individual's digestive system. One intolerance many people are familiar with is lactose intolerance - a situation where a person does not produce the enzymes necessary to break down the sugar lactose found in dairy products.
What are some symptoms associated with food intolerance/sensitivity?
Aside from those reactions mentioned in response to food allergy other symptoms a person with a food sensitivity may experience are as follows:
- Dizziness
- Sinus conditions
- Runny/stuffed nose
- Digestive issues
- Brain Fog
- Poor Memory
- Learning Disorders
- Eczema
- Asthma
- Headache
What are some common foods to which people are sensitive?
Up to 90% of food sensitivities are caused by the following foods: celery, cereals with gluten, crustaceans, eggs, fish, milk, mollusks, mustard, nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, soy, and sulfites. This is far from a complete list of foods that can trigger sensitivities, so it is important to be aware of what you and your children are consuming. It is also important to know that sensitivities may occur in response to the chemicals in the air, water, and on our food as well.
What can I do about food sensitivity?
The most important thing you can do is be aware of the things you family is consuming. If you suspect a sensitivity, eliminate that food from the diet for a minimum of three weeks and observe the way the you or your child feels or behaves. If you have a clearer head and more energy with out the suspected food in your diet, odds are you are sensitive to it and should try to avoid it as much as possible. As to chemical sensitivities, attempt to eat organic and opt for natural cleaning products whenever possible. As always, we encourage those with sensitivities to supplement their routines with regular adjustments to keep the body functioning at it's highest level! Rubin Family Chiropractic, as always, is here to help in any way possible...especially with those adjustments!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
What is a food allergy - and why do so many people have them?!
A conversation in the office this week got us thinking about the topic of food allergies (even more than usual): Why is it that all of a sudden it seems that every other child has a severe food allergy, to peanuts, dairy, or some other commonly-consumed food? Many parents couldn't name a single one of their own peers with an allergy to sort sort of food, but know exactly what kid in their child's first grade classroom has to have a special snack prepared on birthdays. What changed in this latest generation, and what should all parents be looking for when it comes to identifying a food? Rubin Family Chiropractic went looking for answers.
What is a food allergy?
A food allergy, like any other allergy, results from an exaggerated response of the body's immune system to a perceived threat. In layman's terms, it's as if rather than one officer coming to file a report on a fender bender, the entire state police, five fire trucks, and three ambulances plus a helicopter reported to the scene. This over-reaction of a normally helpful system is observed by inflammation. The degree to which this inflammation occurs determines the severity of the allergy. In cases of anaphylaxis, the most severe type of allergic reaction, the throat may swell to a point that obstructs breathing, or inflammatory chemicals (like histamine) generated may lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure.
What are some signs of allergic reactions to food?
- Itchiness, rashes, or hives
- Difficulty breathing
- Abdominal cramping with or without nausea/vomitting
- Dizziness/Lightheadedness
- Low blood pressure
- Elevated pulse
- Any out of the ordinary behavior or signs, especially in children
The eight most common food allergens (accounting for about 90% of all food allergies) are milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat, and soy. Other allergic reactions may come from food additives such as preservatives (like MSG), dyes, and added flavors.
Why the sudden rise in allergies?
The most likely reason that children today are experiencing more allergies than ever before is due to the fact that almost every food they eat has come into contact with pesticides, or has been processed with additives, or may even be raised from genetically modified seeds.. The changes in the way plants and animals were raised on farms were not fully tested for their effects on the people who consume them, so many of the changes in health observed in the present day may likely be attributed to the less-than-natural state of our foods. As Ann Wigmore said, "The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison."
What can I do about food allergies?
If you or child has an established food allergy, the best thing to do is avoid the allergen. If you are trying to determine whether your child has a mild allergy, an elimination diet might be in order. Take about three weeks away from the offending food or ingredient. Then, reintroduce it to the diet and see if the child reacts physically or emotionally. To prevent allergies, eat organic whenever possible. Make sure you know what your consuming! Read labels and educate yourself! And always get adjusted - chiropractic does wonders for your immune system. We here at Rubin Family Chiropractic are here to help answer any questions - and, of course, provide those adjustments. Look for our next blog post about food sensitivities and how you can not be allergic to something like diary or gluten but be quite sensitive to it!
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001847/ - PubMed Health
http://www.foodallergy.org/section/common-food-allergens1 - Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/06/14/why-are-there-so-many-food-allergies-now.aspx - Mercola.com
better living,
food allergy,
healthy diet,
what is a food allergy
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Eye-Opening Opportunity: View "Doctored" Online free!
Several weeks ago we brought your attention to the movie "Doctored", which presents an often-untold story about the medical industry and it's complicated web of bias, money, and back-room deals. Not surprising with movies of this sort, the release was limited in the number of showings and length of availability. However, we have great news for those of you looking for a more critical look at the healthcare system we often accept as infallible. For a limited time only (5 days left!) you can view the full length movie on Dr. Joseph Mercola's website linked below. Take the opportunity to educate yourself and start a conversation! We would love to hear your reactions - email us at rubinchiropractic@gmail.com
Link: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/11/10/conspiracy-against-chiropractic.aspx?np=true

Link: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/11/10/conspiracy-against-chiropractic.aspx?np=true
health awareness
Healthy Meals for Thanksgiving!
Think about a turkey alternative: Dr. Rubin's favorite is Field Roast's Hazelnut Cranberry Roast En Croute. It's "to die for" and can be found at your local Whole Foods market.
Try mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes! - If you need a starchy side but are looking to avoid the carbs, mashed cauliflower is the way to go. The consistency is similar enough where you might not even notice the difference once you add Earth Balance (instead of butter) and garlic.
Skip the canned cranberry sauce! - Get the antioxidants without the preservatives by making cranberry sauce with actual cranberries. You'll get all the flavor, plus the added benefit of fiber and less sugar than with the gelatinous in-a-can version.
I know Grandma's Green Bean Casserole is your favorite, but... Consider sauteing your vegetables in coconut or some other type of oil to cut down on the cream often found in most vegetable casseroles. Add as many spices as you want to up the flavor and cut the guilt!
Round out the meal with a spinach salad with nuts, sunflower seeds, craisins, and sliced apples with a simple vinaigrette dressing.
For dessert, try a cashew-based pumpkin pie: With only five ingredients, this pie is dairy-free and packed with pumpkin flavor. Find the recipe at http://kblog.lunchboxbunch.com/2010/09/5-ingredient-vegan-pumpkin-pie.html
We hope this sample menu give you a great starting point! Send us your healthy Thanksgiving suggestions at rubinchiropractic@gmail.com!
better living,
healthy diet,
healthy recipes,
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
A Happy, Healthy Halloween!
- If you wouldn't want your children eating it, think twice about handing it out to the neighbors kids. Remember, you get what you give - so put forth the very best! Consider skipping the more processed candies for something made with organic ingredients. Yummy Earth makes some of the tastiest organic lollipops around; they're what we like to give out at our office and can be found at Whole Foods. Perhaps consider giving snack packs of Annie's graham bunny's or other non-candy treats that can be found at your local organic food store. They might be a little more expensive, but think of it as planting an idea in the heads of other parents who see your treats as they are sorting through their children's pillow cases later!
- Maybe skip handing out food all together! Now, you don't have to be the dreaded "House on the Block that Gives Out Pennies" - you could be the awesome family that gives out new Halloween pencils, or packs of crayons, or other small toys. A whole variety of handouts can be found at the dollar store and you'll have the benefit of standing out amongst a sea of chocolate. Plus, it'll last more than 30 seconds once the kiddos get home!
- If you absolutely can't bring yourself to give up on the idea of handing out standard Halloween candy, do your research as to which types are the "least unhealthy", and try to limit the amount that each trick-or-treater takes
- When your own ghouls and goblins come home, try to limit the candy intake per day. If possible, perhaps offer an exchange - 25 cents per piece of candy they are willing to part with. Or trade the candy for a healthier variety like those described previously.
- As to what to do with all of those leftover treats? Many dentists offer free toothbrushes and other goodies in exchange for candy you turn in. There are always food pantries to donate to - not that we want the less fortunate to be stuck with low-nutrient food, but it's hard to justify even candy going to waste when it could brighten someone's day.
healthy diet,
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Autism: Early Dection and Intervention
In an article released this month by the American Psychological Association, a "state of the union"-type address is given. The goal of current research is primarily to diagnose ASD in children before the age of six when most interventions have the greatest success. Through the use of functional MRI and analysis of genetic and environmental risk factors, signs of the disorder may be caught before starting preschool or even in infancy. All of this means hope for parents of children placed on the spectrum early: with proactive care there is an increased possibility that a child may reduce the severity of his or her disorder, or even move off the spectrum completely.
There is SO much chiropractic has to offer kids on the 'spectrum.' Between adjustments to integrate their nervous systems, specific exercises to strengthen their brains, and dietary modifications to enhance their nervous systems performance, we have seen amazing results. The key is this: the younger the child starts care, the better their outcome will be.
This article may be found at http://www.apa.org/monitor/2012/10/autism.aspx# - as always, we are here to answer any questions you may have and help you begin a Chiropractic Functional Neurological approach to ASD intervention.
Glicksman E. Catching Autism Earlier. Monitor on Psychology. Oct 2012;43(9):56.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Before I die I want to...
How many of us have really taken the time to consider own own mortality? Have we honestly considered the impact that we will have on the world when our time is up on this earth? Has it even occurred to us that we COULD have an impact?
In her brief but inspiring TED talk, Candy Chang relives her own struggle with filling in the blank at the end of the sentence "Before I die, I want to_____". She explains how she felt the need to bring this idea to the forefront of the public's mind, and the steps she took to do just that in New Orleans. As you will see in the video below, this project was replicated throughout the world with amazing results. By painting a giant chalkboard on the side of an abandoned building, Chang allowed people to ponder the difference they desired to make, and the dreams they wished to fulfill. Her talk recounts the sometimes funny, sometimes heart-wrenching, always moving ways people are looking to affect the world.
We here at Rubin Family Chiropractic were so inspired by Chang's project that we decided to create our own "Before I die, I want to" wall. So start thinking of your answer and be on the look out for one of the most moving pieces of interactive art you'll ever see!
In her brief but inspiring TED talk, Candy Chang relives her own struggle with filling in the blank at the end of the sentence "Before I die, I want to_____". She explains how she felt the need to bring this idea to the forefront of the public's mind, and the steps she took to do just that in New Orleans. As you will see in the video below, this project was replicated throughout the world with amazing results. By painting a giant chalkboard on the side of an abandoned building, Chang allowed people to ponder the difference they desired to make, and the dreams they wished to fulfill. Her talk recounts the sometimes funny, sometimes heart-wrenching, always moving ways people are looking to affect the world.
We here at Rubin Family Chiropractic were so inspired by Chang's project that we decided to create our own "Before I die, I want to" wall. So start thinking of your answer and be on the look out for one of the most moving pieces of interactive art you'll ever see!
Before I Die,
better living,
Candy Chang,
Friday, October 12, 2012
What is Pertussis?

"What is pertussis?" - this question is being asked with increasing frequency as news of pertussis outbreaks (also known as whooping cough) makes nationwide news. As an office promoting natural health and chiropractic care, many of our patients are growing concerned over the pertussis virus and what it means concerning their choice to not vaccinate or delay vaccination. While vaccine choice is completely up to our individual patients and their families, the choice is entirely dependent on becoming informed. We here at Rubin Family Chiropractic would like to provide you with some of the latest information concerning this potentially daunting disease.
What is pertussis?
- Pertussis is more commonly known as Whooping Cough, a virus characterized by a loud inhalation called a 'whoop'. It can cause inflammation in the respiratory tract, which can at times become fatal. The virus is caused by strains of the Bordetella virus, most commonly Bordetella Pertussis.
- The most at risk populations are children under one year of age. They are most likely to be severely affected by the disease, given their still-developing immune systems. The fact of the matter is, however, that even those who have been vaccinated against the disease are still at risk.
- Pertussis is cyclic in nature, meaning that every few years there are more cases, followed by a decline in the number of cases. In the last decade or so the upswings have been increasingly severe, prompting more coverage by the media.
- There are several issues to blame for why we are seeing an increasing number of pertussis cases as of late - none of which seems to be the choice of some parents not to vaccinate (and that's straight from the CDC!) One reason is due to a change in the type of vaccine used. During the 1990's scientists made a switch from a whole-cell version of the vaccine to an acellular version. This acellular version does not appear to be as effective in the long term.
- Another issue: Although many cases of Pertussis are the result of Bordetella Pertussis, which the vaccine is specifically made for, an increasing number of cases are due to other organisms such as Bordetella Parapertussis. The vaccines are not made for the Parapertussis virus strains, so they offer little, if any, protection. It has been suggested that while there is an 8-fold decrease in risk for vaccinated patients when it comes to the B. Pertussis virus, the risk in vaccinated patients for contracting B. Parapertussis or some other strand of the disease may actually increase.
- To repeat, the latest media slams of non-vaccinated children as being the cause of the latest outbreak are completely wrong, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The more likely reasons are the change in the actual vaccine and the lack of the Parapertussis toxin to be in the vaccine.
de Melker HE et al. Reemergence of Pertussis in the highly vaccinated population of the Netherlands: Observations on surveillance data. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2000,6(4):348-57.[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2640897/pdf/10905967.pdf]
Long GH et al. Acellular pertussis vaccination facilitates Bordetella parapertussis infection in a rodent model of bordetellosis. Proc R Soc B. Mar 2010.[http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2010/02/26/rspb.2010.0010.full.pdf+html]
Sheridan SL et al. Number and order of whole cell Pertussis vaccines in infancy and disease protection. JAMA. 2012;308(5):454-456. [http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1273011]
What is pertussis,
whooping cough
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
SpoOoOoky Cooperative Promotional Opportunity!
As you may know, Halloween is one of our favorite holidays here at Rubin Family Chiropractic. We are currently preparing for our Fourth Annual Halloween Party! Over the last several years, we have seen hundreds of families dressed in their spookiest and silliest costumes, proving even the scariest ghost and prettiest princess can benefit from chiropractic care.
The success of this event relies on the participation of our local businesses! If you or anyone you know would like to be involved - by supplying give-aways, putting together a contest (one of our favorites is "Guess How Many Candy Corn are in the Jar"), or just by putting out business cards, we'd be happy to have your help! And then, of course, we would love to see you on the big day - Friday, October 26th - for your healthiest Halloween yet!
If you have any interest in lending a haunting - er, helping - hand please email Dr. Rubin at rubinchiropractic@gmail.com.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Happy Vaccine Awareness Week!

According to the National Vaccine Information Center, September 30th though October 6th is Vaccine Awareness Week! We here at Rubin Family Chiropractic love to aid our patients in making informed decisions when choosing to vaccinate (or not vaccinate!) their children. Below are some important websites, movies, and books parents may look to in order to make an educated decision about their child's healthcare.
National Vaccine Information Center: http://www.nvic.org/
- This is THE source for vaccine information concerning exemptions, what to do if you believe you or your child has had a reaction, what's in the vaccine itself, and information in regards to adapting the vaccine schedule to suit your child. It is not, as many believe, an "anti-vaccination" website, but rather attempts to remain neutral and report just the facts.
- This website is a conglomeration of many natural health articles, some of which concern vaccinations and alternatives for boosting the immune system
- This is the headquarters for all things chiropractic and pediatrics. In addition, it contains several other articles concerning aspects of healthcare unique to children, such as vaccines, and taking an approach that compliments a parent's attempt to raise his or her child naturally.
Walene James - Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth
- This book (Dr. Rubin's favorite n the subject!) is told from a mother's point of view rather than a scientist's, making it approachable to parents and not just doctors. An out-look changing read!
- One of the most famous vaccine information advocates, she writes with an attempt to educate, not just influence the public. As the mother of a child who had a vaccine reaction, she has made it her life's mission to make sure every parent is informed of his or her ability to choose what is believed to be healthiest for their child.
Neil Miller - Any of his books
The Greater Good
- An amazingly simple and powerful documentary that examines both sides of the issue and includes interviews with professionals in a variety of fields voicing their educated opinions about the state of the vaccination process and industry, and follows the lives of several families affected in some way by the vaccines.
These are our favorites - what are yours?
natural health,
Monday, September 24, 2012
Hollywood Gets the Big Idea!
The media plays a big role in so many aspects of our daily lives. For this reason, a little bit of positive press goes a long way. I'm happy to say chiropractic has been riding a wave of good publicity on a national level lately. From being invited to adjust at the Olympics to Functional Neurology (a form of analysis used in chiropractic) being praised as facilitating Sidney Crosby's return to hockey - the profession is making it' way in to the public consciousness. But even with these feel-good stories, some people may still be unsure that chiropractic is for them.
Enter Doctored, a documentary poised to change the way the average person looks at healthcare.
The movie, by Bobby Sheehan and the award-winning produce of On Native Soil, aims to shed light on the chiropractic profession as an alternative to the increasingly corrupt world of pharmaceutical companies and the allopathic model. It gives credibility to a profession that has often struggled against negative labels from those who don't understand the actual purpose of chiropractic care. In a nation-wide release beginning this week, Doctored aims to open the eyes of those who have yet to look critically at their healthcare options and to provide reinforcement and background to those who have. We here at Rubin Family Chiropractic are very excited about this new film and the potential it has to introduce people to the power of chiropractic. Spread the word and check it out!
More information may be found at http://www.doctoredthemovie.com/
Enter Doctored, a documentary poised to change the way the average person looks at healthcare.
The movie, by Bobby Sheehan and the award-winning produce of On Native Soil, aims to shed light on the chiropractic profession as an alternative to the increasingly corrupt world of pharmaceutical companies and the allopathic model. It gives credibility to a profession that has often struggled against negative labels from those who don't understand the actual purpose of chiropractic care. In a nation-wide release beginning this week, Doctored aims to open the eyes of those who have yet to look critically at their healthcare options and to provide reinforcement and background to those who have. We here at Rubin Family Chiropractic are very excited about this new film and the potential it has to introduce people to the power of chiropractic. Spread the word and check it out!
More information may be found at http://www.doctoredthemovie.com/
health awareness
Monday, February 27, 2012
Blended Recipes for Better Health
We have been asked by many patients and students to give them some of our favorite healthy blended recipes. They are mostly raw and vegan. It (hopefully) goes without saying that all fruits and veges are washed before use, water is filtered, and all fruits and veges are organic if possible. On future posts we will include some other non-blended specialties.
Our latest favorite comes from Brain M. and it is a soup like no other you've had before...
Fruit Soup
1 pineapple
3 oranges
Handful of blueberries and cut strawberries
Cut and core the pineapple
Skin and cut the oranges
Place oranges and pineapple in a Vitamix or strong blender
Blend it on high until the pineapple/orange mix is smooth and liquidy
Pour over cleaned blueberries and strawberries.
Green Smoothie
2 peeled carrots
2 stalks of celery
1 bunch of parsley
2 pieces of Bok choy
2 pieces of Kale
1 avocado
1 handful of spinach
1 apple (cored)
3 tablespoons of agave nectar
2 cups of water
Put water in Vitamix first, then add several veges/fruits at a time, blend,
and add more. When all ingredients are blended, blend a bit extra to smooth
it out. You may need more or less agave to taste, but this is a fabulously healthy
green blended drink.
Breakfast Smoothie
2 cups of water
1 whole banana
1/2 bag frozen fruit (strawberries, blueberries, mangoes, or peaches)
1 handful of spinach
1-2 scoops protein powder of your choice
Put water in Vitamix first, then blend all ingredients together. Great way to
start the morning. Kids love it too.
Hope you enjoy these tasty treats. Please let us know via posts, feedback to rubinchiropractic@gmail.com, or visiting our website at www.theadjustment.com. Please share these with your friends AND send us your delicious favorites too.
blended drinks,
healthy recipes,
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Why are we rushing through life?
"Why are we rushing through life?" Great question my wife asked this morning, as we frantically tried to get our son back to school on time, plus the two of us out to work. It seems that the pace of life tends to get more and more rapid as the years pass. How many of us say around this time of year (New Year), "Where has the time gone?" or "Wasn't it just Thanksgiving?" or my favorite, "I can't believe it's the New Year already!"
What are we rushing for, or towards? Is there some goal or destination where we can finally rest on our laurels and say, "Whew! We have arrived. Now onto easy street!" Rather, once we scramble from one place to another, we end up bounding out of there on another blistering rampage to finally arrive at some new destination, breathless and our hearts pounding. Patients say that they can't wait to go on vacation, only to come home telling me things like, "Work is doubly hard now that it piled up while I was away" or worse: "This is the price you pay."
Is it? Should we be paying this kind of price for our lives? What can we do to slow down and smell the roses? Here's a few suggestions, taken from Louise Hay's incredible book, You Can Heal Your Life.
1. Take time to have fun. Make sure smiling, laughing, and enjoyment are top priorities.
2. Meditate. If not daily, then at least a few times per week. Sit with your intention of doing nothing but listening to your inner voice. Feel your breath go in and out...I mean really feel it, notice it, go back to it when your mind wanders. Do this for 5 to 20 minutes each sitting. Clean your mind like mental flossing.
3. Prayer. Use whatever method you like, but get in touch with your higher power and have gratitude for all that we have been blessed with.
4. Affirmations. Write them in the present tense and put them all over your house and place of work. I have (passed the test, gotten the promotion, made new friends, landed the new job) by (date). I feel healthy, happy and terrific. I live a great life. Aim for what you want and think about it in positive terms. Stop focusing on what you DON'T want. Affirm your desires.
5. Filter your life. Watch only what you want to watch, what will create a benefit in your life. Don't waste your time with news, bad movies, trash TV. Read what will inspire you. Listen to what makes you smile or dance.
6. Exercise, eat better, and get adjusted by a chiropractor. Your body needs deposits on a regular basis, just like your 401k does. Those 3 practices will give you more back than they 'cost.'
7. Stop rushing. Be where you are. Be present and enjoy each moment.
Questions? Comments? Send them to rubinchiropractic@gmail.com, or visit www.theadjustment.com
better living,
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