Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Autism: Early Dection and Intervention

Many parents are acutely aware of the staggering statistics concerning autism.  The latest numbers place the rate in the US at approximately one in 88 children.  Given the prevalence of the disorder, research concerning Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) has picked up in the last decade.  Concerns focus on early detection and, therefore early intervention, in an attempt to reduce the severity of the condition and allow the affected child to lead as normal a life as possible.

In an article released this month by the American Psychological Association, a "state of the union"-type address is given.  The goal of current research is primarily to diagnose ASD in children before the age of six when most interventions have the greatest success. Through the use of functional MRI and analysis of genetic and environmental risk factors, signs of the disorder may be caught before starting preschool or even in infancy.  All of this means hope for parents of children placed on the spectrum early: with proactive care there is an increased possibility that a child may reduce the severity of his or her disorder, or even move off the spectrum completely.

There is SO much chiropractic has to offer kids on the 'spectrum.'  Between adjustments to integrate their nervous systems, specific exercises to strengthen their brains, and dietary modifications to enhance their nervous systems performance, we have seen amazing results.  The key is this: the younger the child starts care, the better their outcome will be.

This article may be found at - as always, we are here to answer any questions you may have and help you begin a Chiropractic Functional Neurological approach to ASD intervention.

Glicksman E. Catching Autism Earlier. Monitor on Psychology. Oct 2012;43(9):56.

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