Monday, October 10, 2011

The Importance of Fun

My wife said the other day a profound statement to me: "We aren't as fun as we used to be." She is right. We don't schedule fun the way we did when we first met while in college. Then fun was the priority after homework. Now, even though we have a priority 'hierarchy' that is: God, Family, Chiropractic, fun doesn't always make it to our to-do list.

Last year I read a book by Gretchen Rubin (no relation) called The Happiness Project (you can find it at: It was an awesomely simple book explaining how to put more happiness back in your life. One thing she mentioned was, as crazy as it sounds, to schedule happiness or fun in your day to day and week to week calenders. We did that for a while but when obligations get in the way, we take fun off the list first, don't we?

As a chiropractor, I realized how important chiropractic adjustments are, in combination with a great exercise program, good foundational nutrition, and a positive mental attitude. I think I've got to add fun to that list as well. Chiropractic, exercise, diet, PMA, and scheduling fun. How does that fit for you?
Please let me know at

1 comment:

PurpleBloom said...

Chiropractic care can be pretty fun, especially when you're seeing results! Many people find it enjoyable for both the relief it provides and the sense of well-being that follows. In fact Chiropractic quotes provide a perfect dose for inspiration. One can read Chiropractic quotes on encourage alignment not only for the soul but spine too.