As a psychologist, people walk in my office everyday with emotional pain and suffering which changes their physiology and often manifests into physical symptomatology. Everyone has a story, a little box with the lid locked tight, a closed door slammed shut and bolted, a ball and chain that gets thrown off balance, everyday, every night, all the time. It is so important to look at the whole person. Listen to them and watch their body language and how they say what they say. People give you incredible clues into their lives, but first you must open your eyes and ears just a little more, each time you see them. For instance, have you ever sat with an individual that felt so lost and out of touch with universal intelligence that they wanted to hurt himself/herself of someone else? How do you tenderly touch their innate? Help them find light in the darkness. Listen. Guide. Teach gently the priceless gifts that chiropractic philosophy has taught me and my family over the years.
To be responsible for someone else’s life is a huge responsibility, isn’t it? With that responsibility comes extra hours away from your family, sleepless nights of tossing and turning. Thoughts go through one’s mind, asking, “Did I do the right thing?” “Is the patient ok?” “Should I have made a different choice?” “Could I have done more, not just for their physical pain but for emotional suffering as well?” That loud voice gets even louder, and it takes every ounce of energy to hear that ‘wee small voice’. To remove the ego, focus on the individual and know you are not walking in this journey alone.
So you see, many of the chiropractic principles apply not just to chiropractic; they are timeless laws that apply to all mankind, to every profession and person, young or old. As a species, we must celebrate our uniqueness, and realize that with each one of us, our effects are far reaching, far more than you will ever know.
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