Monday, December 14, 2009

Swine Flu Isn't Very Different From Yearly Flu

Swine Flu Vs. Yearly Flu: Let's Look at the Numbers...

Our goal with this blog post is to educate people and to help them make informed choices. It is important to know both sides of the story before making these kinds of decisions. That being said, let’s try to ponder some key questions that are being constantly addressed in the media. Note that this post will be substantiated with direct links to websites to see the articles where the facts have been obtained.

Is Swine flu deadly? According the Center for Disease Control, (CDC), “most people who get the H1N1 flu will have mild illness, will not need medical care or antiviral drugs, and will recover in less than 2 weeks,”(found at: CDC link 1). However, the Swine Flu can kill, just like any other flu is potentially lethal. Even the common cold is lethal TO SOMEONE WHO HAS A WEAKENED IMMUNE SYSTEM. Studies show that 70% of the complications from the Swine flu did not occur in healthy individuals, but in children or adults who were already immuno-compromised. Here is a list from the CDC as to those people who are more at risk of serious complication:
• “Chronic pulmonary (including asthma), cardiovascular (except hypertension), renal, hepatic, hematological (including sickle cell disease), or metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus);
• Disorders that that can compromise respiratory function or the handling of respiratory secretions or that can increase the risk for aspiration (e.g., cognitive dysfunction, spinal cord injuries, seizure disorders, or other neuromuscular disorders)
• Immunosuppression, including that caused by medications or by HIV;
• Preliminary studies suggest that people who are morbidly obese (body mass index equal to or greater than 40) and perhaps people who are obese (body mass index 30 to 39)
• Persons younger than 19 years of age who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy.”
o Found at: CDC link 2

How likely is someone to get the Swine flu? As of 11/25/09, there have been 22 million cases of Swine flu in the US. The total population of the US is hovering somewhere around 307 million, which equates to 14% of the population actually contracting the Swine flu [found at: CDC link 3]. However, there have been an estimated 9800 reported deaths according to the latest statistics from the CDC. Interestingly, the CDC states: “Each year in the United States on average, 5% to 20% of the population gets the flu; on average, more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu-related complications, and about 36,000 people die from flu-related causes.” [found at:CDC link 4]. That means that the swine flu at present is affecting the same percent as the seasonal flu, with far less fatalities so far. According to these statistics, 9800 deaths from swine flu in 2009 is significantly less than the 36,000 fatalities annually from regular seasonal flu.

Are kids more likely to get the Swine flu? An estimated 8 million children have contracted the Swine flu in the US, (9% of the number of children in the country), with 540 deaths. Considering that there are 75 million children in the US, the death rate of the swine flu in children in 1.5%. [found at: CDC link 5].

What is in the Swine flu shot? Each needle-delivered vaccine contains Thimerosol, a mercury derivative, as one of the main preservatives in the shot (unless you get lucky and find a single dose preparation versus the multi-dose preparation). Mercury is a major toxin to the brain and is carcinogenic, and has been implicated repeatedly (including an important article in the June 2009 issue of the journal entitled Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry) to have a potential relationship in the rise in autism and other developmental disorders [found at:
Journal link 1]. The only vaccine without Thimerasol is the Flumist nasal spray, although that contains MSG and antibiotics. Formaldehyde, used to preserve dead bodies, is also in some of the shots. These ingredients were found on the FDA website at: FDA link 1.

What about testing for swine flu? Recently, doctor’s offices have stopped taking the extra step and actually confirming if their patient has the swine flu with a lab test. These tests cost a lot and take time, so now if you have flu-like symptoms, it is ASSUMED you have Swine flu. According to an article on, there are a few reasons testing is now longer routinely completed: “1) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is no longer tracking each case of swine flu, 2)Doctors are familiar with symptoms of the flu and are able to make a diagnosis without a test, and 3)Treatment is the same whether you have the flu or have a viral respiratory infection”[found at: health central link 1]. Therefore it appears that this may statistically increase the number of false positive cases of the swine flu.

With the dozens of shots our kids are given from an early age, do we have a healthier America? Are our kids, or adults for that matter, a shining example of health and vitality? No, we are sicker, more obese, and less fit than ever before. As reported in the Huffington Post recently, one in three American children has diabetes, one in three is obese and one in three American children have allergies, autism, ADHD or asthma. [found at:
huffington post link 1]

It was additionally postulated in an article in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine that my generation will be the first in recent history to have their average age of death be younger than the generation before us [found at:
New England Journal of Medicine link 1]. What does all this mean? It sounds (statistically speaking) that the 2009-2010 Swine Flu is relatively similar to the "regular seasonal flu!" I don’t know about you, but these statistics show that with the degree of fear being discussed, we are traveling in the wrong direction. It is like the signs on the highways that say, “Wrong way. Go back.”

OK…so with all that bad news, what can be done to help give you the strongest possible body, one that might be more apt to fend off the swine flu? Our approach is simple and three-pronged: 1) Chiropractic, to boost your immune system and keep it functioning at 100%; 2) diet, to make sure you are eating the best possible foods to avoid weakening your own immune system by poor food choices, along with taking proper supplementation to give your body (for example, extra probiotics and vitamin c); and 3) exercise, to keep your body as strong as it can be, which helps reduce stress and thereby increase your ability to fight disease.

We believe that the power that made the body can heal the body. We believe that the best ‘vaccination’ is prevention, through chiropractic, diet and exercise. The body has this amazing intelligence that controls it from above, down, inside out. It knows what to do, when to do it and how to do it, and our job is to make sure it is working at 100% of its potential.

When this winter is over, I will be very interested to see how many regular chiropractic patients got Swine flu, versus the rest of the population. In the meantime, keep healthy with chiropractic, diet and exercise!

Please post your comments, whether they are for this article or against it…I would enjoy seeing your reactions, and will respond to all posts. And most of all, have the happiest and healthiest of holidays! Check out for more information.


Krystal Czegus said...

Hey Dr. Drew!
I completely agree with your post. The public's view on these types of problems is often very scued by the media and instead of trying to focus on keeping themselves healthy so they would not have to worry about becoming ill, people tend to live in fear and are always searching for a magic bullet, or pill, or vaccine that will "protect" them. Over the break, I was at my chiropractor's office in Michigan and he had a sign on his door with a picture of a crossed out syringe like a no smoking symbol and an advertisement under it saying "Get your swine flu adjustments here!" It was almost funny because some of his patients were actually asking about getting this special swine flu adjustment! It just goes to show how uneducated about chiropractic some people are and I think people can never learn too much about its benefits and what an impact it can have on the body. Although he was slightly frustrated after educating them and thinking most of his patients had understood the basis of chiropractic, it gave him the opportunity to go back and keep teaching the principle in new ways. I do feel the whole swine flu issue was blown out of proportion and it really didn't seem to be any different than a regular flu or severe cold.

Shaun M Gallagher said...

• Hi!
• I strongly advocate vaccine awareness and individual choice. What are the facts? What are the downfalls versus the benefits? Why are you piercing my flesh and what’s in that shiny needle? Living in an age where virtually all human knowledge is at your very fingertips, it is no longer acceptable to be ignorant about your health. Your children are relying on you to make sound decisions.
• I believe that well-informed US citizens who are presented with the real information (and understand it) would decline the H1N1 vaccine. In the realm of vaccination, the voice of pro-choice advocacy is much smaller than the voice from the pro-vaccine camp. The large disparity between syringe pushers and us friends of natural immuno-competence exists because of the trillion dollar medical campaign and a stale "the doctor knows best" dogma.
• About the blog itself: The information is good and I always appreciate good citation of sources. However, I think the paragraph that starts with, “How likely is someone to get the Swine flu?” was poorly written. Particularly this sentence: “At the time of writing this article, less than 3% of the population has passed away from this form of flu.” Holy jeebus! H1N1 has taken 3% of the population?!?! That’s over nine million people!
• Of course I know that’s not true, but a layman reading the article would easily misinterpret this piece of the blog. I’ve edited a few articles in the past and have always found that if I don’t understand a sentence the first time I read it, chances are that others won’t either.
• Overall though, good information; great chiropractic advocacy. Thanks for writing it, Doc!

Carmen Meadows said...

Hi Dr. Rubin,
Thanks for the article. I do think there are legitimate times and reasons for vaccinations. I have visited some third world countries where I would not want to be exposed to some of the diseases that were rampant. That being said, I think that it is outrageous that every time you turn around scare tactics are being used to induce parents to vaccinate their children from every possible disease. I was a child in the 60's. I was vaccinated from polio and small pox. I had to take a blood test to re-enter college in my 40's to prove that I was immune from all the diseases that children are currently vaccinated against. Guess what? I was immune to all of the childhood diseases without taking any of the vaccinations. I was exposed to all of them by being around other people that carried the disease. I was sick occasionally, but my body built up its own immune system. Proper nutrition, exercise, hydration and rest go a long way to boost one's innate immune system. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. I never cease to be amazed at the design. Our earthly bodies are not meant to be eternal, but they are created to resolve many disease processes on their own if all is working well. Keeping the nervous system in good shape with chiropractic adjustments is absolutely beneficial to every aspect of health. Again, thanks for the article.
Carmen Meadows

Unknown said...

Hey Dr. Rubin,
I agree with your post. Growing up I had my vaccinations, but I am old enough to have been on the old schedule of shots – Much less in dose and frequency than today's schedule.
There is a general public health validity to vaccines, I agree to that idea to an extent. I don't however feel that people should be vaccinated against every little thing that comes along. And ounce of prevention goes a long way in these cases, and that is where chiropractic should enter a person's life.
I only recently learned that children are vaccinated against chicken pox! This was baffling to me – I remember when I was in first grade how quickly my parents, and several other neighborhood parents made sure when one of the kids in the neighborhood came down with them, we all got them! Done! Vaccinated the all natural way.
To often people forget that we are creatures designed to be healthy. The world we live in is almost designed to make sure that this happens; our bodies are 100% designed to do just that. With the introduction of things that alter the way we interact with the natural world - Antibiotic soaps, vaccines and medicine to a large extent, processed foods, etc, will all certainly has a negative affect on our well-being. They have the same results in some way or another that subluxation has on our health: They all prevent our bodies from being the healthiest it can.
Swine flu is just another example - It is better to get natural exposure to this pathogen. If your body is running at optimal levels then the body will fight it off, and know what to do the next time around – just like a vaccination.

Maggie Ashworth said...

Dr. Rubin,
I enjoyed reading your post about the swine flu vaccine. I totally agree that today's population needs to be better educated on the possible risk factors associated with the swine flu vaccine or any of the flu vaccines. This past fall/winter it seems that flu vaccines were being given out like candy. Everywhere you turn there was a new sign stating get your flu vaccines here. Every radio station, television station, and newspaper article was giving the latest update on the flu vaccine and the benefits of the vaccine. I feel that people need to be better educated that even though they receive the flu vaccine they are not 100% protected against getting the virus because the flu virus is so subject to change from year to year. Also people need to realize that if they are not immunocompromised that their body can fight of the virus easily.
As I was reading your article I kept thinking back to the Washington Redskins cheerleader who received a regular flu shot and because of the vaccine her entire life has changed. I'm sure in her instance getting the flu would have been a lot better than the life alterations that she now faces after receiving the vaccination.

Colt Andrea said...

Keep us updated as to your findings of regular chiropractic patients developing the swine flu opposed to the rest of the population!

Jennifer Schneider said...

Hi Dr. Rubin.

I love that you give both sides of the story when it comes to vaccinations so that the public has as much information as possible and then they can make an informed decision from that. It is so important that we continue to education not only our practice members, but the general population about issues such as vaccinations, prescriptions, hospital births and so on. If we do not tell them who will?
The whole swine flu and the vaccine were complete over kill. The issue was blown way out of proportion and most people just did not get all of the facts. I have an aunt who is a pharmacist and she told everyone to get the swine flu vaccine; then when I tried to talk to her about it and how the media made it a much bigger issue than it needed to be she just brushed it to the side.
I am so thankful that there are still principled chiropractors out there that take the time to give their patients as much information and continue to teach them about chiropractic and optimum health every chance that they get. Thank you so much for being an advocate for a stronger, smarter, and healthier world.

LCKII said...

Thanks for being the liaison between a vitalistic approach to healthcare and the facts from the CDC and medical community. At the store that I work at, I know numerous people who go to chiropractors but do not have their kids under care. They see the profession as purely musculoskeletal. These same people are big advocates for vaccinating their children and continually follow the CDC guidelines. With the current swine flu fiasco, I have felt inadequate to explictly state my views, which reside somewhere close to yours with respect to this blog entry. That is why I thank you for writing this post. If you do not mind I will pass this blog link onto some of my co-workers for the sake of enlightenment.

Dana Mosure said...

Hi Dr. Rubin,

I agree with many of the points you make in your blog, especially about the outlook of American families in today's society. I strongly feel as though our poor lifestyles have a HUGE impact on disease and the health care crisis this country is facing. It is so sad that our children's quality of life may be worse than ours if we continue living our lives the way we are. Diet and exercise, along with chiropractic care, truly are key to preventing many diseases and allowing us to live a long, healthy life.

I also agree that the media is a major influence on American lives, and that the swine flu really is not as bad as they made it seem. Sadly I feel it's more the media's fault that so many people received the vaccine, simply because it allowed the population to feel "safe" from this virus that was being portrayed so deadly. That being said I appreciate that you looked at both sides of the vaccine, as I am pro-choice. I feel every patient has a right to his/her health care, and to do what he/she feels is right. I feel there are many people out there that actually needed that vaccine, and that receiving it allowed them to live their lives and do their jobs without the increased risk of catching the full blown virus.

Its important that we look at all sides to controversial issues. Everyone has a different view and opinion, and its important that we try to see things through others' eyes. This is how we learn, and how real change can be made.

Suzanne Demers said...

Hi Dr. Rubin,

I completely agree with your blog post. I believe it is important that the public be informed on the risks that they are taking when the vaccine is administered as well as the harmful chemicals that they are placing into their bodies and the adverse affects that these chemicals may cause. I also feel it is important that the media inform the public that the swine flu is affecting the same percentage as the seasonal flu. I agree that it is important to inform the public that chiropractic adjustments, a healthy diet and exercise can help maintain the immune functions of the body perform at their optimal.

Unknown said...

Hello Dr. Rubin!
I enjoyed reading your blog on the Swine Flu. When I first started hearing about the Swine Flu I was amazed at how easily the population is maneuvered by the media and the medical community. The numbers you posted show that it is not much worse than the regular flu and I wish that this was advertised so that everyone knew. The scariest thing to me is the flocks of people that were waiting to get the vaccine without any relevant data as to the side effects of the vaccine. I hope that more people become educated on the health benefits of chiropractic, good diet and exercise. I would also be interested to see a study done on the amount of chiropractic patients that actually contracted the Swine Flue. Keep us posted.

Thank you! Alesha Willis

Unknown said...

Dr. Rubin,
The facts and views are so evident to the few, but as the media's ramifications to force feed and deceive us about the statistics, and the importance of vaccinations obscures most others to go the following step and contemplate the truth to health. Understanding the pure health concept in which chiropractic postulates, is often over looked and under exposed, in which our articles and personal contacts may inspire those to have a more open minded approach, and change our digression into progression for optimum health throughout the world.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Rubin,
Knowledge is Power! You have provided sound and truthful information in your blog. Every aspect of of healthcare would change if an "informed consent" truly existed in the current medical model. Thank you for taking the time to gather the data. If all you did was start a spark - it's better than cursing the darkness! ADIO!
Darla Lasseter

Clear Chiro said...

I believe the most important and compelling part of this blog is the three-pronged approach to preventing disease and boosting the immune system. Optimal diet and exercise along with consistent chiropractic check ups are not only essential to every single individuals protection to the swine flu, but also essential to a happy and health life style. It would be a better world if everybody practiced this triad of health.

Leigh said...

Hi Dr. Rubin,

I think your article presents the facts regarding swine flu in a easy to digest and accurate manner. I do believe that some vaccinations can be beneficial in certain circumstances, which can include the swine flu vaccine for specific groups of people (the ones you indicated in your blog post). However, many Americans are using the vaccine as THE prevention method rather than using other methods that we know are more healthy and beneficial. Chiropractic care, diet and exercise should be the first line of defense! When the body can function at its optimum level the immune system should be working efficiently enough to “ward off” the swine flu. I think more people should work towards truly strengthening their immune systems rather than bombarding them with chemicals and toxins that can weaken them in the end.

Andy Wright said...

Hi Dr. Drew,
Based off the ingredients listed in the flu shot alone is enough to make me not get a flu shot. Not too mention the fact the God gave our body an immune system to fight off disease, so we can avoid putting foreign chemicals (including mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde) into our body year after year. There is also a guessing game when they go to make the vaccine each year since the flu virus tends to mutate rather quickly (even season to season) so are they going to select the right virus...who knows. Also, direct contact of a virus through the blood stream was not how our body was designed to interact with a disease. It goes through several other lines of defense that weaken it before it even reaches the blood stream so your body is more able to defend against it.
The best prevention for any disease is a healthy nervous system & immune system, a healthy diet (full of fruits and vegetables), and daily exercise (even if it's as simple as walking).

Shannon Good said...

Dr. Drew,

I agree 100% with your post. I feel it is very important to get the correct information out there. The media has skewed the situation and instilled a lot of fear in the general public. And not just in the united states. When i went home to Canada i spent hours talking to my friends and family about how the swine flu is no worse than the regular flu. I am very glad that you are getting the info to the masses and i am send your link to my family and friends back home. I too would like to see the statistics on how many regular chiropractic patients came down with the swine flu. That would be a great study.

Kelly and Dave said...

Hello Dr. Rubin,
I think it is wonderful that you have been able to compile facts together to help bring the truth about H1N1 into the open. With the way that the media portrayed the swine flu you would think it was another black plague! I believe that people are not taught that they are responsible for their health, that they believe they are just subject to whatever germ, virus, or bug that they happen upon. I think a big part of what the chiropractic profession has to work toward is educating people to trust that God gave our bodies the ability to heal. For many people, this is really a difficult thing to do, especially because it means taking action that is not always in our comfort zone. Keep up the good work!
Kelly McLaurin

Unknown said...

Dr. Rubin-
I personally 100% agree with your post! I couldn't have said it better myslef. I was just having a conversation with my dad last week about this topic, and wished I had more research to back up my statements...i will send him to your blog now! I especially appreciate all the CDC information that you sighted, since I believe that it is important to have all the facts before making such an important dedision such as vaccination. Powerful information, wonderfully presented, it gave me chills!

Unknown said...

Hi Dr. Drew,
Thank you for the information presented in your blog. I agree with the blog and think it is so important for people to get the facts before getting the vaccine. I heard a comercial on the radio the other day that encouraged everyone to "come down and get your swine flu vaccine and if you do, you will be automatically entered to win concert tickets to the black eyed peas!" It makes me sad that such a big decision as getting yourself or your loved ones vaccinated can be clouded by incentives like free concert tickets and raffle drawings. People need to know the facts and take their health seriously. We have all been blessed with the amazing ability to heal and to express health when we take care of ourselves. Chiropractic care, diet, excercise and positive thoughts are the keys to health. It is important to know what is in a vaccine and the effects the toxins and preservatives have on the body. Your health is your choice, but please know the facts before you make these decisions.

Unknown said...

Dr. Rubin,
I completely agree with your post. Thank you for putting together a great blog with all these facts about the swine flu. I will be sending a link to this article out to my friends and family. I would also have to agree that it is important to keep the public informed that a chiropractic lifestyle, healthy diet, and plenty of exercise can help the body perform at its optimal potential.
Philip Snyder

Unknown said...

i completely agree with you Dr Rubin, In my opinion I feel that the medical profession along with the drug companies and our own government wants to scare us into believing that we are at their mercy and we cannot survive without their drugs. Mark A Patterson Sr

Dr. Dan said...

Vaccination. What a wonderful concept in theory. The idea that we can stimulate antibody production without having to go through the awful symptoms of a specific disease. This sounds all too good to be true for so many parents out there that do not want to see themselves or their children suffer through a disease. Of course, it is too good to be true. With this amazing discovery, we are disrespecting the intelligent design of the body. Our skin, mucous membranes, and digestive system account for our primary and secondary immune system that help to weaken any antigens before they have the opportunity to stimulate antibody production. This fact along with all the toxins that must go into a vaccine in order to stabilize its contents should raise enough red flags that we begin to question the vaccination campaign. With technology and viral communication on the rise, I truly believe that individuals, especially in the younger and middle age generations, are doing the research to make an appropriate decision. Although the data between the rise in vaccination and rise in chronic diseases is all correlative, I choose to respect the intelligent design of life. As we continue to raise awareness in this issue, let us all do so out of our love for humanity and never out of a selfish act to serve our own agenda. Thank you Dr. Drew and to all for your wonderful posts. You are all truly inspiring!

Dan Turo

Christie Kwon said...

Thanks for keeping our community informed Dr. Drew!
As chiropractors, our greatest mission is to teach people to trust their own body's innate intelligence, and the true source of true health.
Vaccines may be absolutely necessary in very specific situations - the same applies for other types of pharmaceuticals as well. But there are multiple reasons why the Swine Flu vaccine is not one of these instances.
Just as you pointed out, the percentages of people affected by swine flu, are no more drastic than those for seasonal flus. The number of deaths is even less dramatic. The craze over swine flu was compounded by (1) media frenzy, and (2) people not being thoroughly tested for swine flu before diagnosis. At my friend's med school, all students were required to be vaccinated, even those who would not have any patient encounters whatsoever in the upcoming months.
The vaccine side effects were not thoroughly tested for all groups, and I'm sure everyone has seen more than enough YouTube clips of the ramifications of that.
Thank you for promoting health, wellness, good nutrition, exercise and CHIROPRACTIC CARE as the keys to life.
I'm glad to see all the talk of the swine flu fiasco has passed, and I hope people remember your message for the next fad virus/vaccine/drug!

Greg Abbott said...

Dr. Drew,
It is certainly refreshing to here the chiropractic point of view on the swine flu and the vaccination. Everywhere I go now I see "Get your swine flu vaccine today". All I do is shake my head, but there comes a point when we have the ability to share the truth about the situation with the hope to influence one person at a time. I read an article about the swine flu written by James Chestnut and he put it into an amazing perspective. He said that a person is more likely to die in a car accident on the way to get the swine flu vaccine than they are to die from the swine flu itself. That is pretty powerful and it puts things into perspective. We are such a fear based society, and as chiropractors, we have the responsibility and the ability to spread hope. Thank you for everything that you are doing and keep it up!

Miranda Abbott said...

Dear Dr. Drew

Americans, as well as the rest of the world, need to know the truth about vaccinations and I want to thank you for sharing it. Too often in our society we rely on others to tell us what to do and blindly follow. People want the quick fix for problems and don't readily seek out the truth. Vaccinations are a big area that people can be tempted to trust what their doctor says, rather than seeking to learn themselves and make an educated decision. I loved your post and how you revealed the truth about what is happening with the swine flu in America today and also empowering others to go to the sites and get educated. The news and media are not good sources for honest information and I appreciate that you and other chiropractors are helping lead people to making informed decisions. Chiropractic is about allowing the body to funcion properly, without interference or outside in remedies. Sometimes it takes a lot of time for some people to realize that, but when they do they become inspired to live the healthiest lives possible, and to take control of the lives that they live. Thank you so much again for sharing the truth and inspiring others to find the truth as well.

Yolanda Granberry said...

Hi Dr. Rubin,
I completely agree with your blog, how it expressed the importance of keeping people informed about facts on vaccinations and how it is truly important to know both sides of the story before making a decision. Often people do not know the truth because their ideas and beliefs are based solely on the information given by the media. It is important to provide people with additional resources in order for them to make the best decisions concerning their health.

Josh Headley said...

Dr. Drew,

I agree with your post. I think that if more people knew the facts about vaccination than a far fewer number would receive them. Every form of media is rushing everyone to go to there local doctor and receive the vaccinations. Many people hear this and receive care without any type of research regarding the benefits or problems behind the vaccinations. Therefore, I think the media is too blame. If someone continues to hear something repeatedly and does not have any information to counter what they are regularly being told everyday, multiple times a day, than they will act in this way. It will be interesting to see how many people have the swine flu who received regular chiropractic care.

Chris Talley said...

Hi Dr. Rubin,

I'm tired of hearing about the swine flu just like everybody else that understands the ins and outs of how the body works to heal itself. But, at the same time I'm tired of hearing chiropractors and chiropractic students rant about how horrible the swine flu vaccine is! I wish instead of talking about the dangers of vaccination and the wonders of innate healing we could just fix the problem with vaccines. Cause I don’t think they are going anywhere and by the looks of it, they’re just going to keep multiplying. Why not talk about making a more natural and less toxic vaccination. How about taking this amazing technology that was given to us and making it fit our model of healthcare. I'm guilty of vaccine "bashing" myself, but I'm also tired of banging my head against the wall. Maybe we need to change our way of thinking about vaccines and explore the science of this discovery. When Edward Jenner first found the vaccine for smallpox he wasn’t using Thimerasol or Formaldehyde…he looked at the people that worked with cows infected with the cowpox virus and saw that they had developed an immunity to smallpox and then exposed subjects to the virus to see if he could find a cure. Natural vaccines might not be such a bad thing. If we can control the amount of exposure and regulate the ingredients, couldn’t we naturally protect people from contracting disease…WHY NOT? Let the body do its thing and build immunity up to the virus or antigen. Let’s change our discussion of “YES” or “NO” about vaccines, to “natural” or “synthetic” vaccines.

bdfonke said...

Good post Dr. Rubin. I have not read to that much on the swine flu (i choose not to get all caught up in these epidemic scare tactics) anyways, i am not surprised at all with the stats you presented. This "swine" flu is all about money, they make boatloads off this vaccine. They know only a certain percentage of the population will get this, and a small amount at that, and yet they want to vaccinate everyone. All i know is that vaccines get in the way of normal function and healing, and in the worse case scenarios actually cause permanent harm to those taking them. I agree in that if you keep your nervous system in check, eat right, and exercise then you are in darn good shape to combat this "beast" of a flu.

Brent said...

Dr. Drew,

I really enjoyed the post and how you are doing your part to make sure the public is receiving sounds facts rather than a fear based media frenzy. I thought it was a great idea to cite your info with links. I feel that if everyone in our country really knew the effects of the ingredients in vaccines many would reconsider, rather than taking a "Medical doctor knows best" stance. I am totally for pro choice in this issue, I just wish people informed themselves better before making a decision such as this. We owe it to our health to make the most informed decisions. There is no magic shot, pill or potion that heals or cures. Our bodies heal and self-regulate and we give our bodies the best chance to do that with chiropractic, exercise, healthy natural diet, and healthy relationships. In order to make a change those of us that understand these principles need to keep living them and help compassionately inform those who don't yet understand with things like this blog. Thanks for the info.
Brent Vuyovich

Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Rubin,
I think the most important things I've taken away from reading your blog is how you've provided sources in which you grabbed you're informaiton from. I have my own personal thoughts on how ridiculous the media has blow this "pandemic?" or whatever title I last heard since they started scaring America with the swine flu years ago. I think its the responsibility of both the parent (ultimately) and Doctor to provide information from different angles so that one can make a informed decision backed by education and not ignorance. It's really very unfortunate just how much of healthcare is based on fear and how poorly researched statements made by the media are exposed and accepted to be true. I appreciate that you have written this blog because it's alot deeper then the debate of the HINI; it really ought to make parents and other decision-makers consider how much of what they hear and read is governed by fear and accepted! It almost feels like our society is a bunch of push0overs. Our bodies are perfectly made and highly capable of healing! Let's just remember to do our research, challange fear based solutions , and question why before taking any persons word as truth to promote healthier, happier generations.

Tyler Holland said...

Dr. Rubin,
I thought your post was very well written and I really liked how you gave the links so the public can check the facts for themselves. I completely agree with your view on the swine flu vaccine. The media has scared the public into believing that if they do not receive the swine flu vaccine it could be a deadly mistake. However, the media has not informed the public that the swine flu is not even as fatal as the seasonal flu. The media also failed to inform the public that most of the people that get the swine flu have compromised immune systems. The media's scare tactics left out the really scary thought-the ingredients in the vaccines. I enjoyed your post and liked how you gave the alternate way to protect against the swine flu: chiropractic care, good nutrition and supplements, and exercise. I am very interested to see the statistics on how many regular chiropractic patients got the swine flu versus the rest of the population.

Unknown said...

Dr. Rubin,

I agree with your blog as im sure everyone will...or should... and believe it is a perfect way to show the community the truth about something they are so scared of. After taking a few of the seminars that the ICPA has offered (namely the Vaccinations Lecture)it really opened my eyes to the things the public has absolutely no knowledge to. Everything from the mercury in the vaccines which is only a "preservitive" to the fact that if u ask the majority of M.D.'s and Nurses if they have gotten the H1N1 vaccine they would say no. In fact they wouldnt give them to their kids. It just amazes me that something that could be so harmful is out there and the media and medical world pushes it so hard.
I have a friend who works as a pharm tech back in Michigan and i have totally gotten through to him about the whole Chiropractic message. He tells me every day about how the hospital pushes the vaccine's but how none of the Dr.'s get em. It just seems to be that the public is un/misinformed and instead of researching the effects they are just giving in, which is sad. I also heard on tv that if u get your H1N1 vaccine in the next week that a certain radio station is giving away free tickets to a big concert coming to ATL. Marketing like that blows my mind. Anyways, thanks for the blog and the articles, it makes a world of difference!

Michele Scialfo said...

Hello Dr. Drew,

First I wanted to say how awesome you presented this information, and adding the links to the information must be extremely helpful for parents to believe what you are telling them. I know that most parents want to make the best decisions for their children, but they are not always the easiest ones to make. So kudos to you for helping them! I completely agree with everything you've presented, and have been wondering why the media doesn't present it with more truthful facts. Each year people die from flu symptoms, but its never made into a mass media hysteria the way that this has been. The fear tactics used to scare people into getting vaccinations are an incredible money making scheme. I'm not saying that the risks should be over looked, but the risks of the vaccinations shouldn't be over looked as well. Something else that I've also learned about vaccinations at a young age is that it alters your over all immune system for the rest of your life. Forcing a young child's body to create antibodies for a synthetically grown virus mixed with the cocktail of poisons elicits the secondary, TH2 system which teaches their body to internalize foreign bodies.As opposed to the primary TH1 system which is activated when they come in contact with a virus in their environment. When this system detects a foreign invader it tags it to be externalized. So it's not JUST the mercury or formaldehyde, but the alteration of their body's ability to fight off disease for the remainder of their lives. When I have children I will also opt to save their immune systems and choose diet, exercise, and CHIROPRACTIC care!

Jennie Nguyen said...

Hi Dr.Drew!!!
I totally agree with your post. The media did make the swine flu seem much more worse than what it actually is thus giving the public fear. Therefore, there are many people line up to get the vaccine. Before I know anything about chiropractic, I would get the flu vaccine every year to prevent having the flu but I always ended up getting the flu every year. I was BAD :( The public just know that "oh my doctor told me to get the flu vaccine so I won't get sick this winter" which is not true. Most people that received the flu vaccine ended up getting the flu! I was back home during break and my sister was talking about getting her son (he's 5) to get the swine flu vaccine because the day care ask her to since there are kids that have the flu in their day car. SO WHAT??? I told my sister about the flu and the swine flu and how much they are alike as well as telling her what a bunch of garbage the flu vaccine is; she was finally convinced and didn't take my nephew to go and get the vaccine. I think that the whole swine flu issue was blown way out of proportion due to all the media attention it is getting causing confusion within the public.

Brandon Henkowicz said...

Hi Dr. Rubin
I really agree with your post especially in regard to the fact that 70% of people going to a hospital with swine flu symptoms already have weakened immune systems already as well as underlying factors that would have brought out symptoms even by a simple cold. I liked that you gave both sides of the argument and also gave a solution which I certainly agree with which is chiropractic care to boost your immune system without outside influences as well as proper nutrition and exercise.

Unknown said...

Hi Dr. Rubin!
I appreciate this post about swine flu, especially with all the scare that has been created! This just reminds how we as a public can be mislead if we do not do our research! We rely on the public media to tell how everything without researching first! There was so many stories that the media put out that would have any body scared to even breathe! My mother was so adamant about me getting the swine flu vaccination that she threatened to not talk to me again!! She was just scared, but I informed her of all the facts about it and needless to say she still felt that same way. She brought it up in every conversation we had to point i had ignore her calls but that just showed her how passionate I was and she left me alone eventually! I cant wait to show her this blog ! I keep you posted on what happens !

Ryan Huffman said...

Hey Dr. Rubin,
Completely agree with the article. People need to be informed about information such as this. Instead of just the one-sided fear tactics that are presented by are government and media.
Ryan Huffman

Latrice Jordan said...

Dr. Rubin,
I enjoyed reading your post and I agreed with everything you said. The medical field puts this fear in patients that suggests they should get a certain vaccines or else. They try to make them feel as though they have no other choice but to follow their advice. I think its vital as chiropractors to inform our patients about the dangers associated with these vaccinations and let them know the they have a choice. By making informed decisions about their health patients are taking a power over their life.

Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Drew!
This article is exactly what the generaly population should be reading. I find that our culture just takes things at face value, meaning, if someone were to make a bold statement about something of this magnitude, majority of the people will just accept that statement and wont take the necessary measures in actually reseraching for themselves the actual, true facts behind the statement. Anyway, I agree with this article because it provided accurate facts about the swine flu in that there really was no need for a mass panic attack through out the entire country. I liked how it compared the swin flu with the usualy seasonal flu, in that both are very similar, which the general public failed to understand. But, overall, this is a great article and everyone should read this, and then make their own educated decision on how they want to deal with H1N1.
Stephanie Smith (Pediatric Class)

Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Drew!
This article is exactly what the generaly population should be reading. I find that our culture just takes things at face value, meaning, if someone were to make a bold statement about something of this magnitude, majority of the people will just accept that statement and wont take the necessary measures in actually reseraching for themselves the actual, true facts behind the statement. Anyway, I agree with this article because it provided accurate facts about the swine flu in that there really was no need for a mass panic attack through out the entire country. I liked how it compared the swin flu with the usualy seasonal flu, in that both are very similar, which the general public failed to understand. But, overall, this is a great article and everyone should read this, and then make their own educated decision on how they want to deal with H1N1.
Stephanie Smith (Pediatric Class)

Anonymous said...

Dr. Drew, Your blog does a lot for the public, but can they find it or come across it? Hopefully so!! I agree with you and coming from the same ADIO feel, it is Just.

Both sides for and against the vaccine have been said and well versed. Have you tried submitting it to the local newspapers or magazines? Let's get it out there!!!

Justin said...

I think it's good to also point out that the flu season ended in Australia with no real ill-effects. Even though it's still winter and flu should still technically be "in season" there is no real evidence of any ill effects and the media hype has clearly died down. This "pandemic" has clearly not been anywhere near as serious as the original "swine flu" of 1918 where entire towns were wiped out, so it seems obvious now that the media attention to the issue was clearly a case of over-dramatization.

Krystal Drwencke said...

Dr. Rubin,

Wonderful post! I plan on emailing your blog to some of my family members. I think it was well written and that the statistics were not misleading. I especially like the sources spelled out next to the facts; definitely makes the work reputable and encourages self study. See you in class!

Sonya Lamb said...

Dr. Drew,
I really enjoyed the article. It was very informative. These are the things that people need to hear. It's like the vaccine is being given out like mints in a restaurant. There are so many people afraid and ill informed. It is a shame to me that people look for a shot to protect them, which my not even do the job and can harm them in the process, than taking care of the their bodies as a means of prevention. As chiropractor it is our job to try to inform our patients/ community about these types of issues. This post was interesting and helped put in to perspective the real facts of the issue.

Unknown said...

Dr. Rubin
I totally agree with your post, not only is it true but it is fact based and that is more than what we can say about the narrow minded, opinion based and one sided views of the media. I, speaking for a person who didn't come from a chiropractic background, feel it is refreshing and at the same time mind blowing to read and hear about the ins and outs of a topic that society so commonly touches on but in a "what I want you to know basis". I encourage you, as well as myself and classmates to continue to inform our community about topics such as this with the bettering of society as our primary initiative .
Dena Granger

CREE said...

Hello Dr. Rubin
First let me start by saying I agree 100% with your blog. I did not get this vaccine and I talked with concerned family and friends as often as possible when this epidemic hit and seemed as though we were preparing for another bout of the plague. The media was complete overkill for me. I feel that we are inundated with a ton of selective information, that is geared to steer us in a certain direction. Whether it is for profit or sensationalism, our filtered media input can be quite a bully to the mass public. I can appreciate the fact that your blog gives both sides. I think it is extremely important to be able to make an informed educated decision. I feel that your blog is just the right recipe for making an informed decision for your family. I will share this information. Thank you..
Carita Grimes

Stu said...

Dr Rubin,
Great post! I really enjoy the amount of knowledge there is your share. I believe people have become lazy. Lazy in that the right amount of exercise is not reached, the proper diet is not obtained, and health is a pssive process rather than an active one. We as chiropractors choose to be acive and it is in this activity that we have strong immune systems. The general public does not understand how dangerous vaccines are... It is really important to understand what we put in our bodies, it cannot be just accepted that the doctor told me I need this shot to prevent swine flu ridiculous. There must be empowering educators to ensure people understand how they can reach health,I think that should be those leaders

The Michael Teytelbaum said...

Hey Dr. Rubin,

I have never commented on or blogged on anything on the internet before so I feel like I am now going to be a new man. But anyhoo, I have read articles like this before and it always good to see more and more of them. It is great to keep the public informed as much as possible. Hopefully, wisdom, rationality, and humanity will outlast Big Pharma's avarice, greed, and fear mongering. Granted, vaccines and pharmaceuticals have their place and time in the world and are invaluable in those moments, but it is much wiser to maintain a strong physical and spiritual state through exercise, diet, positive ego-less thoughts, meditation, and a proper functioning nervous system!

Ian Shtulman said...

Dr. Rubin,

Whenever someone asks about my opinion on vaccination in general, I always have a few things to tell them...

- I'm not against vaccination, I'm against mandatory vaccination.
- Any educated decision that someone makes for themselves is their own choice.
- There's no true educated decision unless all facts are presented equally.
- Unfortunately, the media, government, and pharmaceutical companies use scare tactics and propaganda than using facts.

I think our role as chiropractors is to help provide information and resources to our practice members regarding all aspects of their health. This includes vaccination. However, we must also respect the decisions that our practice members make for themselves.

That being said, I agree with your post.

Ian Shtulman

David Winfrey said...

Dr. Rubin I agree with your post. It is important for people to challenge the information presented by the main stream and find an stance for ourselves. The media’s job is not to present truth, their job is to create revenue. Our country shouldn’t look toward news channels and news papers as a source for what to believe. Our country is founded on God and if we are bold enough to coin “in God we trust” on our currency, then we should find out what we’re trusting him for. I believe God’s word when he said that a thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but it shall not come near me. Being more in tune with CNN vs. God’s word will allow fear to be used as a tool of persuasion as in the recent case with the swine flu. I’m thankful that you are presenting this information.

Christopher Maylor said...

Dr. Drew
This blog is a great idea to have interaction with your patients about topics in life the Chiropractors should be leading. In these times with economy the way it is and peoples state of mind low useing scare tactics for people believe in the swine flu is just outrageous. Thanks for giving people the real numbers and knowlege to stand up to the vaccine makers and the people who push them for profit. This also lets people know it is okay to have this conversation and inform as many people we know.
Thank you
Christopher Maylor

JORGE said...

Hello Dr. Drew
Thank you for this blog. When I was home for the break a few friends and family members asked me about swine flu but I didn't have much to say because I haven't done any research on it. I told myself to look into it.

I absolutely agree with these posts that say the media and parma co. use scare tactics to make money on the vaccinations. I understand sometimes vaccines are necessary such as when you are going into a third world country then it's logical to get them. But when they are trying to push HPV vaccination to 10 year old girls, I think that is insane!

Alicia said...

Hey Dr. Rubin,
Thanks for sharing your blog with us. I really enjoyed reading it and I absolutely love all the great statistics you gave along with the links. That is very helpful. I think that it is very important to educate our patients on the facts and give them a choice of if they want to follow the media-hype or not. Thanks

Melanie Carr said...

Dr. Rubin,

I agree with your post on Swine Flu, however with the addition of addressing the mental/emotional stresses in our lives... especially children's lives.

I wrote a friend, who is a microbiologist, about our plan to prevent ourselves from getting the flu (H1N1 or any other) and it included chiropractic care, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, limiting processed foods, daily exercise, and talking through problems or concerns my children may have. This also includes gratitude journaling at the end of the day for my son, who is 10. When he gets stressed out, he gets tired and doesn't feel well. Gratitude journaling along with a free flowing nervous system keep him strong, happy, and healthy.

AXIS Chiropractic said...

Bryant Mays said.....

Dr. Rubin,

I agree with your blog. This is great information for those who don't know about chiropractic. When it all boils down people need to know that they have choices when it comes to there health care. The more informed you are the better you will be able to make decisions. You don't have to have vaccines! If more people knew what was in the injections or medications they take then maybe they would not take them. God made our bodies perfect. He's has given us everything naturally we need to sustain ourselves. By keeping our bodies subluxation free we have the opportunity to fight off dis-ease and live the way God intended!

Shawn VanWinkle said...

Dr. Rubin,
I think you did a great job discussing the current concerns of the alleged swine flu epidemic. Fatalities from contracting the swine flu are no more common that those associated with other common ailments such as the common cold or flu. We allowed our culture to produce mass hysteria through the media and propaganda from the pharmaceutical companies. What the professional community has failed to emphasize is the fact that the majority of these fatalities resulted in patients who were immunocompromised. These patients could have fallen victim to any number of ailments that the general population normally is unaffected by. On the other side, vaccines do have their benefit to society and we should not ignore that as a profession. Vaccines have and still do save lives. I do agree that our society is over vaccinated and that we can quite easily be more careful about what preservatives we put in the vaccines. That being said, there are two points of concern I have regarding your post. First, there were a number of grammatical errors present within your post. In an attempt to elevate the prestige of our profession, it would be beneficial to have a few people proofread your comments before they are posted. The second point of concern relates to the comment of the link between vaccination and Autism. I have recently completed a post graduate course from the Carrick Institute on Neurobehavioral Disorders of Childhood. These were taught by Dr. Robert Melillo who is one of the most well researched individuals within our profession concerning the rising epidemic of these disorders. He cites over 4,500 references in his textbook on this subject! Recently, it seems our profession has jumped on the bandwagon stating vaccines cause Autism. Having consulted with Dr. Melillo on this issue, it was made apparent to me that we would be false to make this claim. As of yet, this link has not been backed up by the research. Even the article you sited relating thimerosal to autism does not prove causation! It claims that the cytotoxic events that results from thimerosol are similar to the cytotoxic events found in Autism. Thimerosal is toxic to the nervous system but then again so are many other things as well. Here is something to consider concerning vaccines and causation of Autism; Not every child vaccinated gets Autism and not every child with Autism was vaccinated. I know your blog comments on the “potential relationship”, not causation but the average reader may miss that subtle difference and misinterpret you. According to conversations I’ve had with Dr. Melillo, if a child develops Autism after getting vaccinated, there is a very high probability that the child had already been exposed to a number of environmental events that negatively affected development of the brain. The vaccine was simply the final event that pushed them over the edge. There are many things to consider when trying to understand the cause of Autism and vaccines are one of them but not the only one. Therefore, as a profession, we should be more careful about making claims linking vaccinations to Autism.

Leanna07 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leanna07 said...

Hi Dr. Rubin,

Thank you, I enjoyed reading your post! This post has HELPFUL and REFERENCED material that is readily available to your patients or really anyone with the internet! What a GREAT idea!!!

Haha, I know that the topic of "Swine Flu" is not funny, but I have to laugh because when I was in undergrad I had a professor who would begin or end every class by telling us we would all die of the Avian flu. Well, the bird flu was the scare then, and now it is the swine flu, could this eventually become a pandemic? I hope not! I laugh too when the media tells everyone to run and get their flu shot when they really should be telling people to run to the gym or to their local chiropractor for an immune system booster! Americans are slowly killing themselves and need to make changes to their lifestyle now. I agree 100% with the three ways to a strong body: Chiropractic care, healthy diet, and exercise!

I do understand and agree that certain populations and people traveling to third world countries should receive certain vaccines, but please vaccine manufacturers make them clean! As a type I diabetic for 23 years I would be considered a person who is at risk for serious complication if I contracted any flu. Yes, I have received flu shots and many vaccines in my life, but I have not received any injections besides when I change my insulin pump for over 5 years. I contribute my good health to a healthy diet, exercise, and more recently regular chiropractic care :)

Unknown said...

Hi Dr. Ruben!,

This is a great blog post. It is possibly one of the best arguments I have heard or read regarding the swine flu since the craze began. By providing your readers the proper information, one that is not tainted by the media or pharmacuetical companies, you are giving them the power to make an informed decision. The statistics and web links are a great resource that many people have not had access to without resarching on their own. The public has understandable and yet at times naive trust in the government.They fail to take their health in their own hands and instead rely on the media and money hungry pharmacuetical companies to dictate their health. Your blog is a great way for others to see a different point of view on the swine flu vaccine and provides an opportunity for them to look at the research and make an informed and educated decision which best suits their needs.

J Jaques said...

Dr. Rubin,
Thank you for taking the time to put all the facts together in one place with quick links for verification. It is nice to have proof that the whole swine flu epidemic was and is being blown out of proportion to what is actually happening. Hopefully it will help whoever reads your blog to better understand the healing potential of their own body.

Anonymous said...

Greetings Dr. Rubin,

First of all I definitely agree with the points that you made in your blog about how amazingly simple the solution the "swine flu epidemic" really is. By giving the body what it needs; ie: the right information (removal of the subluxation), the right material (proper nutrition), and the right activation (exercise), the body has no other choice but to be healthy. All of the facts about the H1N1 flu are a great resource that you don't get from the news. This gives your patients the opportunity to see the actual facts and make their own decisions about how to deal with the flu. Thanks for doing the leg work and providing an alternative perspective on this issue.

Unknown said...

Great information Dr. Drew!
It is great to see information that is backed up by facts and references and not just an opinion. The CDC provides enough information to prove the swine flu is all hyped up and not much more than the regular seasonal flu. The public needs to be more educated on their own health and I think this swine flu scare has opened a lot of peoples eyes. I see more and more people questioning the medical profession and their recommendations. People have the right to know what's being put into their bodies, why it's being put into their bodies and what effect it's going to have on them. There is coming a day when people will look back at the late 90's early 2000's and say that's when the drug industry was controlling the population. Keep Educating!!

Junior Johnson said...

Dr. Rubin,
I enjoyed your article and completely agree with your analysis. After using the CDC's own data, it is clear to see how the media is only displaying one side of the story. Everyone should do their own research before poisoning their body with every new vaccine that seems to be the cure for all of our life's ills. Thanks for providing this information so that we all can have the facts about these vaccinations and take charge of our own health.

Kerrilyn said...

Hi Dr. Rubin,

Thank you for the great information on this blog. I think it is very important people get the real facts about the swine flu. I am going to definitely recommend my girlfriend to read this blog to help her better understand what is going on, especially because she has a 2 year old boy and is very skeptical on everything I tell her!! :)

Patrick said...

I feel that every year there is a cry of Armageddon with the years new ‘bugs’. Every year it is some new gloom and doom and is met with the same pessimistic The H1N1 was the same this year, and just like every year, its devastation was commonly absent. Americans love media and the media loves to give us drama, so I can understand the big blow up of swing flu media. Unless there is a change away from freedom of speech there will always be some new bug that requires needless vaccinations and silly lifestyle changes.
I believe that instead of trying to swim upstream against the torrent of fanatical media, I do my part with my patient to inform them how to interpret the torrent and show them the how to handle flu season. Tell them what Thimerosal really is and the correlation of mercury autism. I will provide them with enough information that they are able to see past the media push to get the latest and greatest dose of mercury and choose to live healthy so that if you get the flu, you recover with your body’s own power. Then parents will make the decision not to let their kids get the vaccines at school. Our medical paradigm can change one person at a time.
-Patrick S.

Amber Iszler said...

Dr. Rubin,
I completely agree with your blog post. I feel that with proper preventative care chiropractic, proper diet, exercise and sleep pattterns people are able to decrease the chances of getting not only the swine flu but also any state of dis-ease. I think it is very important that we as chiropractors educate our patients on subjects like this so that they can make an informed decision about both their health and the health of their child.

Unknown said...

Dr. Rubin,
I think we should all get as many vaccines as possible! Haha, that’s a great article that needs to become the mainstream understanding of the Swine Flu, but with with chiropractic’s financial limitations relative to the pharmaceutical’s is a tough task to overcome, and I’m glad you are doing your part.
Now I understand that we are completely over vaccinating people for the swine flu. However, I’m am curious as to the effectiveness of the vaccine in immunocompromised people, particularly the elderly. Obviosly, no individual with a healthy immune system needs this vaccine and our chiropractic community is well aware of this. But someone who is immunoscompromised, such as AIDS patients and elderly who are an elevated risk of death from a relatively common disease seemingly may want to investigate benefits and risks of the vaccines. At chiropractic school we usually only hear one side of the story and don’t get a well balanced understanding of the situation. I think if we knew both sides of the story we’d be more powerful and effective in our endeavors.
Steve Cain

Unknown said...

Dr. Drew, you nailed it. I completely agree that Swine Flu is just another money-making scare tactic by pharmakia! It should be illegal to manipulate the media and advertise the way they do. It's nice to see the facts clearly laid out, just to show people that it's the TRUTH, not just an opinion. Fortunately, people are starting to pick up on the lies being told by the pharmaceutical companies. If our profession can stick to our roots, our basic principles, and continue to spread the truth, we will reap the reward when our nation wakes up to the fact that the outside in approach to health is a failure. Keep telling the truth and removing subluxations!!!!

Anonymous said...

Greetings Dr. Rubin!
This was the information that I needed to back what I have been trying to tell my family and friends about the swine flu. This blog is an excellent place for the general population to read about the details about swine flu but in a language they too can understand and with links to further back up the information. It is important for us in the health care field to arm our patients with information on prevention, but we also need to be able to clarify misinformation that is given to them by the media, their family, and friends. Loved the information that was shared regarding the swine flu. Thanks Dr. Rubin.

Unknown said...

Dear Dr. Rubin

I have read this article about Swine Flu, which I heard about 5 years ago. Im really afraid of this Flu. I agreed that this flu is very dangerous and it's rare to be treated. People in every country will die because of this flu. This flu comes from the International country and will be spread out every year to kill people. To prevent this flu in our community by way of getting vaccination and stay healthy. I, myself get a vaccination every year to prevent the risk as well as my family. Finally, I understand that this flu will be hard to treat if caught so late.

Stinson DC said...

Dr. Drew,
I agreed with your message 100%. It is our job as doctors (which has a Latin derivative for teacher) to educate our patients about what vaccines are, what goes in them, and whether or not we need them. As chiropractors, I want to present to my patients all the information possible and let them make an informed decision. Yes it is an up hill battle, we have to re-educate almost every patient on what true health is, while constantly competing with drug companies pushing unnecessary medications on people simply for a profit.

I actually published a post on my blog about this which can be found at

Here is some of the info I threw in...

Thimerosal was used as a preservative in vaccine$ until the 1990s. The compound is now being phased out from routine childhood vaccines in the United States and Europe. Thiomersal is very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin, however certain pharmaceutical companies feel it is now safe to put back in vaccines.

Your body is fully equipped with its own pharmacy called Innate Intelligence, to find out more about this ask your local chiropractor or e-mail me at

Unknown said...

Hey Dr Drew…

I agree with your post very much. Thank you for doing the actual research behind the issue and presenting it to us. All these facts about the swine flu are great. I agree with the fact that immune compromised people and unhealthy people are far more susceptible to contracting the disease. It’s important that we stress a lifestyle centered around chiropractic, diet, and exercise early on in people’s lives so we can prevent these life-threatening illness before they happen. That is ultimately the best way to affect a person’s overall health. It’s sad that people only believe what they hear in the media and make their decisions out of fear and incompetence. We want to keep the body performing at its optimal potential.

Adisi Health Center said...

Dr. Drew,

I agree with your post one hundred percent. I believe that its all about keeping the immune system running at 100% and if you do that swine flu will be no problem.

Amy B said...

Dr. Drew,

It was great to read a Chiropractors view on this while using Medical stats to back it up. The media is creating a frenzy and portraying this "new flu" as a serious threat to us and our children. People do not understand how incredibly invincible they can be with just being WELL! The immune system thrives and can be better prepared to rid the body of "swine flu" and other things. Thanks alot for your blog and the information and websites I was able to also refer to!