"Why are we rushing through life?" Great question my wife asked this morning, as we frantically tried to get our son back to school on time, plus the two of us out to work. It seems that the pace of life tends to get more and more rapid as the years pass. How many of us say around this time of year (New Year), "Where has the time gone?" or "Wasn't it just Thanksgiving?" or my favorite, "I can't believe it's the New Year already!"
What are we rushing for, or towards? Is there some goal or destination where we can finally rest on our laurels and say, "Whew! We have arrived. Now onto easy street!" Rather, once we scramble from one place to another, we end up bounding out of there on another blistering rampage to finally arrive at some new destination, breathless and our hearts pounding. Patients say that they can't wait to go on vacation, only to come home telling me things like, "Work is doubly hard now that it piled up while I was away" or worse: "This is the price you pay."
Is it? Should we be paying this kind of price for our lives? What can we do to slow down and smell the roses? Here's a few suggestions, taken from Louise Hay's incredible book, You Can Heal Your Life.
1. Take time to have fun. Make sure smiling, laughing, and enjoyment are top priorities.
2. Meditate. If not daily, then at least a few times per week. Sit with your intention of doing nothing but listening to your inner voice. Feel your breath go in and out...I mean really feel it, notice it, go back to it when your mind wanders. Do this for 5 to 20 minutes each sitting. Clean your mind like mental flossing.
3. Prayer. Use whatever method you like, but get in touch with your higher power and have gratitude for all that we have been blessed with.
4. Affirmations. Write them in the present tense and put them all over your house and place of work. I have (passed the test, gotten the promotion, made new friends, landed the new job) by (date). I feel healthy, happy and terrific. I live a great life. Aim for what you want and think about it in positive terms. Stop focusing on what you DON'T want. Affirm your desires.
5. Filter your life. Watch only what you want to watch, what will create a benefit in your life. Don't waste your time with news, bad movies, trash TV. Read what will inspire you. Listen to what makes you smile or dance.
6. Exercise, eat better, and get adjusted by a chiropractor. Your body needs deposits on a regular basis, just like your 401k does. Those 3 practices will give you more back than they 'cost.'
7. Stop rushing. Be where you are. Be present and enjoy each moment.
Questions? Comments? Send them to rubinchiropractic@gmail.com, or visit www.theadjustment.com